Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Sons of Schramm

We will cover everything Cowboys from the biased and sometimes downright unreasonable perspective of the lifelong fan.

We will unapologetically take cheap shots at the Cowboys' rivals. (For example, I might say "The Redskins are a bunch of limpwristed nutsuckers."

We will drink excessively in the parking lot and boo the fans of the opposing team with vigor. Children, the elderly, political figures... If they're not Cowboys fans, they can suck it, long and hard.

We will sometimes even provide frank and in-depth analysis of our beloved team.

We are, after all, the Sons of Schramm.

Note: If you have to ask how we got our name, you can click on the link below and, then, seriously reevaluate your life.

Go Cowboys

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